In order to make a donation, please click on the button with the name of the person or organization that you would like to donate to. Once you click a button, you will be redirected to a secure terminal where you may choose your donation amount to the selected organization/individual.
All donations are tax-deductible! Multi-Nation Missions Foundation is a Canadian registered charity. You can donate online, mail in a cheque, or set up a pre-authorized agreement (PAD).
MMF honors donor intent wherever possible. If a project if fully funded or discontinued, donations will be issued towards a similar project that advances the mission. Tax-deductible receipts are mailed after the end of the year.
Mail to: MMF, #106-2825 Clearbrook Rd, Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 6S3, Canada.
PAD Agreement Fill out the following PAD form and send to MMF office along with a VOID cheque.
For US donations, please click here to be redirected to our US donation site.