Forjando Mi Mañana

Forjando Mi Mañana

The Charity

Forjando Mi Manana is a Guatemalan charity lead by nationals, Candelaria and Gregorio Garcia, who are our partners in Panajachel, Guatemala. They are self-made entrepreneurs. They both grew up in poverty in the villages near Panajachel, speaking Kakchiquel, the Mayan dialect.

Candelaria and Gregorio own a Spanish school, and in their spare time, they have an exceptional talent for finding 13-year-old economic dropouts from rural villages, then training and refining them into talented, multi-lingual, confident, 18-year-old entrepreneurs.  They are developing 30+ teenagers in their intensive leadership development program, including school tuition and leadership coaching. See their vision here.


Those teenagers are expected to practice leadership immediately, by teaching younger children in their communities, in Saturday-morning literacy tutorials, helping them with Spanish, mathematics, reading, and English.

MMF helps Forjando Mi Mañana with student scholarships for both high school and University. We have helped fund two Community Learning Centres in rural towns Buena Vista and MonteMercedies.


During this current pandemic, Forjando Mi Manana is providing relief efforts to students and their families as well as the local community. They give food hampers, gardening resources, educational incentives, and make sure families don’t go without essentials to survive.


To learn more about them you can check their website: